TuGraph-OGM project is open source on other repositories.
TuGraph-OGM (Object Graph Mapping) is a graph object mapping tool designed for TuGraph. It supports the mapping of Java objects (POJO) into TuGraph. The classes in Java are mapped to nodes in the graph, the collections in the classes are mapped to edges, and the properties of the classes are mapped to the attributes of the graph objects. It also provides corresponding functions to manipulate the graph database. Therefore, Java developers can easily use TuGraph database in the familiar ecosystem. TuGraph-OGM is also compatible with Neo4j-OGM. Neo4j ecosystem users can migrate seamlessly to TuGraph database.
1.1.Functions of TuGraph-OGM
TuGraph-OGM provides the following functions for operating TuGraph:
Function |
Usage |
Insert single vertex/edge |
void session.save(T object) |
Batch insert vertexs/edges |
void session.save(T object) |
Delete vertex and its corresponding edges |
void session.delete(T object) |
Delete all vertexs with specific label |
void session.deleteAll(Class<T> type) |
Clear the database |
void purgeDatabase() |
Update vertex |
void session.save(T newObject) |
Query single node by id |
T load(Class |
Query multiple nodes by ids |
Collection<T> loadAll(Class<T> type, Collection |
Query all nodes with specific label |
Collection<T> loadAll(Class<T> type) |
Query with conditions |
Collection<T> loadAll(Class<T> type, Filters filters) |
Cypher query (specify the return type) |
T queryForObject(Class<T> objectType, String cypher, Map<String, ?> parameters) |
Cypher query |
Result query(String cypher, Map<String, ?> parameters) |
2.Compile TuGraph-OGM
cd tugraph-ogm
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Denforcer.skip=true
3.Use TuGraph-OGM
Please refer to the detailed examples in TuGraphOGMDemo under the demo folder.How to import dependencies in pom.xml
public class Movie { // create Movie vertex
private Long id; // Movie id
private String title; // title attribute
private int released; // released attribute
// create Edge ACTS_IN (actor)-[:ACTS_IN]->(movie)
@Relationship(type = "ACTS_IN", direction = Relationship.Direction.INCOMING)
Set<Actor> actors = new HashSet<>();
public Movie(String title, int year) {
this.title = title;
this.released = year;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setReleased(int released) {
this.released = released;
public class Actor { // create Actor vertex
private Long id;
private String name;
@Relationship(type = "ACTS_IN", direction = Relationship.Direction.OUTGOING)
private Set<Movie> movies = new HashSet<>();
public Actor(String name) {
this.name = name;
public void actsIn(Movie movie) {
// configuration
String databaseUri = "list://ip:port";
String username = "admin";
String password = "73@TuGraph";
//Start driver
Driver driver = new RpcDriver();
Configuration.Builder baseConfigurationBuilder = new Configuration.Builder()
.credentials(username, password);
// Open session
SessionFactory sessionFactory = new SessionFactory(driver, "entity_path");
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
3.3.Perform CRUD operations through OGM
// new
Movie jokes = new Movie("Jokes", 1990); // Create Movie-vertex "jokes"
session.save(jokes); // Store "jokes" in TuGraph
Movie speed = new Movie("Speed", 2019);
Actor alice = new Actor("Alice Neeves");
alice.actsIn(speed); // Connect the "speed" vertex with the "alice" vertex through the ACTS_IN relationship
session.save(speed); // Store two vertexs and one edge
// delete
session.delete(alice); // Delete the "alice" vertex and its connected edge
Movie m = session.load(Movie.class, jokes.getId()); // Get the "jokes" vertex based on its id
session.delete(m); // Delete the "jokes" node
// update
session.save(speed); // Update the "speed" attribute
// get
Collection<Movie> movies = session.loadAll(Movie.class); // Get all Movie vertexs
Collection<Movie> moviesFilter = session.loadAll(Movie.class,
new Filter("released", ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN, 1995)); // Query all movies released before 1995
// Call Cypher
HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("Speed", 2018);
Movie cm = session.queryForObject(Movie.class,
"MATCH (cm:Movie{Speed: $Speed}) RETURN *", parameters); // Query the Movie with "Speed" of 2018
session.query("CALL db.createVertexLabel('Director', 'name', 'name'," +
"STRING, false, 'age', INT16, true)", emptyMap()); // Create vertex label "Director"
session.query("CALL db.createEdgeLabel('DIRECT', '[]')", emptyMap()); // Create edge label "DIRECT"
Result createResult = session.query(
"CREATE (n:Movie{title:\"The Shawshank Redemption\", released:1994})" +
"<-[r:DIRECT]-" +
"(n2:Director{name:\"Frank Darabont\", age:63})",
QueryStatistics statistics = createResult.queryStatistics(); // Get the create result
System.out.println("created " + statistics.getNodesCreated() + " vertices"); // View the number of vertexs created
System.out.println("created " + statistics.getRelationshipsCreated() + " edges"); //View the number of edges created
// Clear the database
session.deleteAll(Movie.class); // Delete all Movie vertexs
session.purgeDatabase(); // Delete all data