Tugraph CLI

This document mainly introduces the CLI tool lgraph_cypher of TuGraph.


The TuGraph release comes with a query client named ‘lgraph_cypher’ that can be used to submit OpenCypher requests to the TuGraph server. The ‘lgraph_cypher’ client has two execution modes: single command mode and interactive mode.

Single command mode

In single-command mode, ‘lgraph_cypher’ can be used to submit a single Cypher query and print the result directly to the terminal. The printed result can also be easily redirected to a specified file. This is handy when users need to get a lot of results from the server and save them in files.

In this mode, the ‘lgraph_cypher’ tool has the following options:

Command line Parameters:






List all parameters and descriptions.



List the command instances.



A database configuration file used to obtain ip and port information.



Database server IP address. Omit this parameter if you have a configuration file. The default value is’ ‘



Database server port. Omit this parameter if you have a configuration file. The default value is 7071



User name for logging in to the database.



Password for logging in to the database.



Contains the path to a single Cypher query single text file.



Single-line cypher query command. Start and end with ".



Specifies the server timeout threshold for cypher queries. The default value is 150 seconds.



Query result display mode. Supports two formats: ‘plain’ and ‘table’. The ‘plain’ format prints the query results in a single column. The ‘table’ format displays the query results in a tabular format. The default value is’ table ‘


cypher command file query:

$ ./lgraph_cypher.py -c /home/usr/lgraph_standalone.json -u user -P password -f /home/usr/cypher.json

cypher command single-sentence query:

$ ./lgraph_cypher.py -c /home/usr/lgraph_standalone.json -u user -P password -s "MATCH (n) RETURN n"

Interactive mode

‘lgraph_cypher’ can also be run in interactive mode. In interactive mode, the client stays connected to the server and interacts with the user in read-evaluate-print-loop.

Enter lgraph_cypher interaction mode:

If no ‘-f’ or ‘-s’ command line option added, ‘lgraph_cypher’ will enter interactive mode when running. how to use it:

$ ./lgraph_cypher.py -c /home/usr/lgraph_standalone.json -u admin -P 73@TuGraph

If the login is successful, the corresponding login success message will be displayed:

*                  TuGraph Graph Database X.Y.Z                      *
*                                                                    *
*        Copyright(C) 2018 Ant Group. All rights reserved.           *
*                                                                    *
login success
Port: 7071
Username: admin
type ":help" to see all commands.

Now we also provide an interactive shell for users to enter Cypher queries or use the ‘:help’ command to check for available commands.

Command Description

In addition to the Cypher query, the shell of ‘lgraph_cypher’ accepts the following commands:






Displays the server information and the corresponding description of all commands.



Query the current server status. /db/info for the corresponding REST API.



Clear the screen.


{Graph Name}

The graph specified with this name defaults to default


-t {Query the timeout value} -f {The query file}

cypher command file query in interactive mode. The default timeout threshold is 150 seconds. Query file format reference No interactive query parameters.



Exit interactive mode and return to the original command line.


plain or table

Change the display mode of cypher query results. Support ‘plain’ and ‘table’ modes.

:save all/command/result

-f {The file path} {Cypher}

The cypher command (command), query result (result) or both (all) are stored. The default location is’ /saved_cypher.txt ‘


  • Each command should start with a colon :.

:save command example :

:save all -f /home/usr/saved.txt match (n) where return n, n.name limit 1000

cypher query command:

In interactive mode, users can also directly input a single sentence cypher command for query, with “’; ` “end. Enter commands that are case insensitive. Here’s an example:

login success
>MATCH (n) RETURN n, n.name;
|   | n |n.name       |
| 0 | 0 |david        |
| 1 | 1 |Ann          |
| 2 | 2 |first movie  |
| 3 | 3 |Andres       |
time spent: 0.000520706176758
size of query: 4

lgraph_cypher supports multi-line input when typing commands. Users can use the ENTER key to type long query statements into multiple lines. In the case of multi-line input, the beginning of the command line will change from > to =>, and the user can continue to type the rest of the query.


login success
>MATCH (n)
=>WHERE n.uid='M11'
=>RETURN n, n.name;

Auxiliary Features:

Input History: Press the up and down arrow keys in interactive mode to display the input history.

Auto Completion: lgraph_cypher will automatically complete based on the input history. In the event of a completion prompt, pressing the right arrow key will automatically complete the command.