TuGraph community roles

1. Preface

This document describes the roles of membership in the TuGraph community, the requirements and permissions for each role.

2. Role summary

This is the division of roles in the TuGraph community, describing the responsibilities of each role, the requirements to become and remain a role, and the permissions of the corresponding role.

Our community is divided into three roles based on the Apache specification:

  • Contributor

  • Maintainer

  • PMC

The requirements, responsibilities, and authorities for each role are described below.

3. Contributor

3.1. requirements

Successfully submit a PR and merge in any of TuGraph’s official projects.

3.2. responsibility

  • Actively respond to issues or PR assigned to you

  • Help reply the issue/pr together and assign the issue to the person in charge of the corresponding module

3.3. permissions

  • Join the TuGraph GitHub organization and become a member of the TuGraph open source community.

4 Maintainer

4.1. requirements

The new Committer is recommended by the existing PMC and approved by 2/3 of the votes. The Commiter meets at least one of the following conditions:

  • Been a community member for more than three months

  • More than 10 PR for PMC approve

  • Complete major functions

  • Fixed serious bugs

  • Follow project development and participate in community discussion

4.2. responsibility

  • Community counseling support

  • Actively respond to issues or PR assigned to you

  • The right to vote on major community decisions

  • Review community PR

4.4. permissions

  • Pull Request review permission

5. PMC

5.1. requirements

  • Not open at the moment, if you have a strong desire please contact PMC

5.2. responsibility

  • Actively participate in community discussions and give guidance to major community decisions

  • Responsible for ensuring that the community activities of open source projects are running smoothly

5.3. permissions

  • Pull Request review permission

  • Pull Request approve permission

  • Community role member management